Aaahhh…lovely. Concrete setting in the sun. Taken from.. yes, that same oldspot. So, that’ll be the first of the platforms going in. It’s part ofthe ’street’ bit too. But what the heck, we’ll just call them’platforms’ shall we?
Nota lot new to see here, esp at this resolution, but it’s a nice day, anda well stitched photo, and that’s the dude who told me not to worryabout the standing puddle in the ’flat-bottom’ (see last post; and wedo agree on that term, don’t we?) they will sort that all out later andit’s just concrete shrinkage “could happen anywhere.” It’sactually in a pretty cool spot (right next to a drain) so I’m honestlynot worried anyway anymore.
Wow, this really has turned into a blog…
Justto quash any rumours (sorry, I know thats a bit authoritarian, andtakes all the fun out of MAKING the rumours) So far we arethinking of just doing a quick bit of ribbon cutting and flesh-pressingin the cold December winds for posterity and the local papers, thenhold a proper bash /opening / official hootenanny come spring. (orsummer if there is no let up in the rain like this last spring.) Sorryto sound so gloomy, I don’t feel it at all.
Shall we agree on the term; ’stoked’ ?