
Fresh pics 18 July

Kev made this one, but only after about 6 attempts. Low to high. Harder than it looks.

Sam’s been loving these backside ollies recently.

Danger danger, high voltage.

Kev now owns this wall. You’ll have to ask him nicely if you can skate it.



Relax guys!

A real Fundee day WILL HAPPEN. Once the trophy (The Dundee Lightning Bolt) is made and we sort out a date.

Ifsome one will check with other places to make sure we don’t conflict…then we can start planning and get OFFICIAL COUNCIL PERMISSION for bigsounds etc.

Dinnae ye sweat it.


Nice to hear from you Bryn! We allenjoyed your company and look forward to seeing you again. You showedreal guts to try some of those lines without amoments hesitation. NZ will be proud of you in days to to come I’m sure.
