
21 September – nae pics —- EDIT 24 sept – pics

Ok ok… we ain’t gots new pictures.

I’ll get some soon… just imagine the fun we’re having and it’ll make you want to come to Dundee and skate the place. (I’ve been working on my ollies and I’m STOKED)

Bad weather is starting to happen now, but please realise that the park dries up really quickly when given a chance. Bring a wee brush to scoot the last of the puddles towards a drain.

You cancheck the webcamhere: see what the score is.


Stuart, Yes… this was meant to happen almost as soon as the park was finished. The parks manager has only promised in the last week to get it done!

Peter: Happy Birthday! I’m glad you got some decent trucks finally, those other ones were plain dangerous!

Answers, Sunday 24 Sept. :

Pan-it Steve: hope yer brows are better after busting them open while skating pished…. learnt your lesson yet? We all love you bro. Take it easy on yerself.

Grass for the muddy hills: the parks-guys should be scattering/raking in seed SOON (hope someone from the dept. is reading this and takes the hint)

’The street’ sez: if someone were to grow some TURF in their closet, many people would be happier, for all sorts of reasons.

Here’s some old pics to keep peeps happy:

Jack - mob flip

Jack w a mobbed-out flip over the saxa-ma-phone.

Gordon- easy indy

Gordon eases an indy-grab over the main hip in sunnier times.

jack wallride

Jack models his ’suburban turban’ on the wallride.



FOR GOODNESS SAKE! will someone ELSE (besides me and Rick) please take and submit some photos of radical skateboardingist action at the park?!?!

I work all day, and by the time I get up there it’s full of wee-ignorant-irritants-on-bikes; and hardly any skaters! Plus it’s obvioiuslygetting dark earlier and earlier. Very hard for me to get photos now…

Submissions to: photos AT dundeeconcrete DOT com
