
EDIT: FUNDEE DAY NEWS. Not so ‘Happy’ Go Skateboarding Day

Wow, how much can a policeman over react to some people skateboarding?

I especially like the bit where he sprays the girl with mace, what a tough guy…

Thanks to Sod for the link to this in the comments in the previous post.


…and on a happier note: the updated graph!

Phil from the Ferry Inn,(I’ve had a very nice pint there)wasskating the park yesterdayand thrust a sweatytenner into my hand, to help pay for the flatbar. Whoo-hoo! That’s £80 folks!

We’re getting there!

– daryl


Fundee Day News: We have a date! Comp now probably gonna be on Sat August 11th, this will tie in with Perth which is the next day.

ATTENTION! Will a member of ‘The Floors’ get in touch with us… there is agig possibilityalso happening on the sameday, in the park right above the skatepark.

Hey Rennie! You guys wanna play too?
