
Landscaping Party – POSTPONED AGAIN – til July 21 – edit 2

Ok… we are all stoked on the flat-bar to be installed.

But what about this grassing then?

I have had plenty of peeps say they want to help, so lets just get on with it.

Here’s what we want to eventually achieve … the purple pants aren’t strictly nesc this weekend but after a bit of honest sweat and satifaction in tilling the land, a big stoked ollie or two will, in fact be mandatory.

Come downSATURDAY JULY 21st and get your picture in the paper, starting about 11… Helprake ingrass seed and have a BBQ later on.

The head of Parks Management sez: The weather will be too rubbish to bother, this weekend. But if we cando it NEXT -next WEEKEND (21st), he will happily lend us a bunch of rakes and provide lots of grass seed. He will also get the area rotivated (churned up with a machine to soften the ground) and will be able to take away all the rubbish/ weeds/ rocks we haul out.

He even mentioned apress release to emphasise how cool we all are.

STOKED. I lovebit of cooperation.