Stoked… there’s the first bit’o undersurface.
Beforeanyone (attention: bikers*) thinks they can go and sneakilysession the place… that surface is thin, and rough as hell. There arespikes of rebar sticking out every foot, and it does NOT meet the flatbottom. So you will end up damaging yourself, as well as the park.
Rubbish photo below, sorry. It was geting dark, hence the blur. You can just aboutsee the rebar sticking up. It’s what the plastic is snagged onto.
Those things ain’t twigs.
The first of the shutters going up to make the wallride.
Re: toilet provision and lights.
There is a RUMOUR, thatthe council are thinking of re-jigging another bit in Dudhope Park intoa ’multi-use sports area,’ whatever that means. I would guess thatwould also mean some funding going into things like toilets etc. As fortiming with the skatepark; I doubt it will happen in the next year ortwo. Lights… who knows.
Honestly, If we had more money there would definitely be moreconcrete and most probably lights. I am frankly embarrased by the lackof STUFF round the edge of the park; blocks, rails, banks etc.
That ’bite’ taken out of the southern portion still keeps me awakeat night. Another 10-20k and we could have had an amazing mini-plazawhere there is now going to be just grass. sigh….
*In response to a recent comment: I say ’bikers’ because they werethe last people as reported to me having been into the site and ridingaround (judging by the tracks left.) Also the tempting possibility ofriding what LOOKS fine for large wheels, but in fact is still unsafe.
No offense.
To be honest, I don’t think any semi-respectable bmxer would want towreck their bike, or themselves on such gnarly terrain. I’m actuallyworried about the wee brats who will inevitably break in and give it ago. But then they probably won’t be reading this, wouldn’t listen anyway,and thus, this is apointless rant by yours truly. 🙂
If you DO see any idiots impaledon the rebar, please call an ambulance, as per normal. And possiblyClachan;to tell them to bring some disinfectant.
Let us roll on.
PS: Check the article on Scotland in the new Thrasher!!!