I couldn’t get up to the site before the guys left today (saturday)so the photos aren’t the juiciest. All taken from outside the fence.
Still… progress to be seen:
Thefrost has been hitting hard these past few days, but it’s good to seesome of the undersurface / rebar continuing to be slappedon.
Iam assuming that what is under that sheeting is more under-surface.That covering will undoubtedly be to keep the frost and rain off it.
Hey,there’s the flat block/ledge/pad whatever you want to call it.Shuttered up and ready to pour. I don’t think the rebar is in, but Ihave put it on the progress map as such. Close enuff.
Here’s another view of it. Can’t see any rebar in there yet. Here’s the plans for those blocks:
There will be about 2m in between them… lack of room/money etc. 🙁
There’s the scaff for building the next layer of the wallride up.
Letshope some vandal falls off it and gets skewered. Maybe it’ll keep theothers away. They pushed the big yellow compressor off theplatform into this bit a couple weeks ago; chipped the concrete,damaged the undersurface and spilt diesel and oil everywhere (on ournew concrete!)
Sorry; blurry photo. You can just see in the murk, that they have poured the first layer of the curved portion of the wallride
Another equally bad shot.
Thewallride, just to remind you, is going to be another 600mm higher thanthe top of that rebar is showing right now. About level with the top ofthose scaffold poles.
Dunno why I put this in. Doesn’t really say anything.
Minor additions to map.
Here you go Traer! ( and everyone else 🙂 )