Hi, sorry to take so long getting some new pictures up but I haven’tbeen able to get on site during daylight or when the weather hasn’tbeen totally pants until today. The site was closed off so I just tooka few photos from outside the fences, fortunately there is a convenientcabin outside of the fence so I was able to get on top of that and geta good overview shot.
You can see in the pictures that the entrance way into the park isunderway now, also the final bank section leading along from the wallride is also done now too. So there’s not too much left to do to thepark itself but there’s a lot of landscaping to be done still and afence to go up around the park. I haven’t spoken to anyone on site thisweek so I’m not sure when they think it will be completely done.
Well, enjoy the pictures!
CONTRARY TO ANY FORGED ’COMMENTS’ BY ME: the parkwill NOT be ready to skate until the fencing and basic landsforming is done tothe councils satisfaction. STAY OUT, IT IS STILL A CONSTRUCTIONSITE. ANYONE CAUGHT BEHIND FENCE WILL BE IN BIG TROUBLE.
Lots of things still to sort out in the construction!! Please be patient, not long now!
Daryl (the real one)
Entrance overview.
View from top of portacabin.
View from East end of park.
Note: 17/1/06
TheClachan boys reckon they will be done in approx 2 weeks. Not sureif this allows for legal access yet. I will be negoitatingtowards access for all as soon as it is possible, but be patient.
Think about it… the weather is rubbish, there are still lots ofrough bits… it won’t nearly be as much fun to skate it now as it willbe when it’s FINISHED PROPERLY!
There have been other bits poured around xmas time that weremessed up by bikers and skaters in the site when they shouldn’t havebeen. You can SEE THE TRACKS.
I went up today to have a good look at the surface, and spoke to them about bits that need fixed/modified.
Ispent a good couple of hours personally scraping crunchy/splattery bitsoff the surface, and Clachan will still need to spend a few days with abig buffing machine taking more roughness off of the flats etc.
***Thereare several bits that are getting cut out and re-filled (attentionAlan) so there will be WET CONCRETE in subtle places… like the wallride, the middle of ’Wallos’ etc. Please don’t mess it up because we can’t afford to keep cutting and filling…
The easiest way to avoid messing up these patches is: DON’T GO IN AT ALL.***
Re Benches (sarah)
the two curved bits are technically benches, but obviously semi skateable too.
We are looking at ways to provide seating areas outside the park.
The grass mounding will be there too, eventually. Perhaps stepped for sitting. Maybe real benches, who knows…
Construction: I believe they were going to pour the tarmac entranceways today (Wednesday)
Photo update tomorrow:Thursday 19th Jan.
Large areas of flat are very bumpy from sloshes of excess concrete. Most of it comes relatively easily off the actual structural concrete. But the need a machine to do it properly.
And it It really DOES need to be done to make the park have a decent, safe ridable surface.
Right now there are so many dollops, splashes, and crunchy bits stuck to the park, that is actually dangerous.
It can be really smooth in one section … then a minefield of crud and grit.
The kind you don’t see; It’s the same colour as the rest of the’crete. The kind that seems engineered to be perfect forstopping-skateboard-wheels-absolutely-dead. Or large washes of littlebumps that kill all your speed / shred your flesh when fallen on.
Just right to send the unaware home, in severe pain. Don’t bother.Wait til it’s done. It’s so close and it’ll be so much nicer to ride.I’m not talking ’polished,’ Just smooth…and safe.
All the coping and grindables are mucked up with concrete too, so not much use yet either.
The wallride section has wheel-stopping patches horrible enough to give you nightmares. Needs critical patching and smoothing.
I’ll say it again; it ain’t done yet…
They say that they need a number of properly dry days to work onbuffing/cleaning the flats. Although the concrete itself has set, and is ’Dry’ as such; anyvisible moisture soaked onto the surface makes the dust turn into an unworkablesludge. It needs to stay as a dry powder so the abrasive action of thedisc doesn’t get gummed up.
Last real hurdle. Fear not.
Re: Soundsystem, Nice one. Yes certainly a spring opening bash is definitely in offing. No fear.
V Doubtful about camping though. Park not big enough / far enough away from houses.