


The signs won’t arrive until the 7th.

More data tomorrow (Friday 2nd) I hope.

***Official Council Notice: Please don’t bring carsinto the park, even into the ’lower road’ into the park and castle, I.e.; immediatelybelow the skatepark.

Thank you,
Dundee City Council Park Management***

… says that helicopter landing rights might be arrangeable, however.


No More Construction Photos 1-02-96


The Clachan foreman says he hopes to be doingthe absolute last bits on the site on Saturday. If the weather is toocold it will stop him working on stuff, and will delay things a bitfurther.

The temporary signs will be finished on Tuesday 7th and installed…I don’t know when or by whom. I’d do it myself that afternoon if I could.

I don’t know what else the Parks’ manager will require to open it up for use.

Hang tough.

I appologise again, mainly for the steepest banked bit leading into the wallride.

Itwas my fault for not watching the last official drawings closelyenough, and then the contractors had to make things up off a badengineering plan with bad numbers.
It’s tweaked wrongly and the transitions should have been made much bigger and friendlier. Damn damn damn.

The buck stops with me though, and I am really sorry.

Few other wee bits and bobs that aren’t quite right, but they’re fairly minor.

The wallride itself is fun though!



Construction Photos 25-01-06

Cleaned up nicely.

Evidence of those who can’t wait…


Still pretty mucky with dirt and dust, so not very nice to skate yet anyway.

I have a meeting on Monday 30th, to organize proper, legal access ASAP!

It’s gonna be at least another week or more until we can get in.

Hang in there. I’m gagging to skate it too, of course…


Nigel – your big soft wheels are of course more thanwelcome, but those joins in the concrete look FAR worse in these photosthan they actually are. Thes mud and mositure are exagerating them tocomic effect. In reality they are very smooth and flush. No ’ka-chunk’at all. Bring a hard set as well for light-speed runs.

Callum – It’s NOT a bitch to find. I can assure you. Look at the’Plans’ page for maps. It’s only a 10 min walk from city centre.

26-01-06***Ihave discovered that Dudhope Park does not exist in some map websites,including the overly-used Multimap. On, MapQuest and MSNmaps it is listedas “Anderheim Park.” Never heard of it…

When you search for “Anderheim Park” on Google… nothing atall shows up. Not even the links to those map-websites.

V weird.

Annoying too, if you might be trying to find a map to the park!


Sam- There’s alot of us that will be getting our Barbie Skates on.Plus our ’My little Pony’ elbow pads, and ’Barney-the-dinosaur’helmets.

Whoooo! Rock on dude!

Tell your Dad to start dusting off his board!




30-01-06: I repeat: park open very soon.

Meetingtoday went well. Temporary signs will be made asap (3-4 days) and putup asap too! (even if I have to go do it myself) Temporaryfencing; to keep peeps off the mud will be sorted out soon too.Clachan expect to hand over site to Council asap.

***I wouldlike to openly appologise for not being here to keep a better eye onsome portions of construction: the steepest bits of theflat-bank-wallride are not as transitioned as the design, and thereforevery harsh / almost unskateable. There is nothing I can do now tochange that. They would all (council included) tell me to “go away.” (in less polite terms)

Clachanwere/are as accomodating and nice as they could be, but redoing even apart of that wallride-to-flat-part-blend would make them explode,probably.

MOSTLY fine, though. Generally a good job.

The wallride corner itself is, as expected, very tight. But fine. Just fine.

Sigh… nothing quite like the idea of fundraising to pay forripping-up and redoing large bits of NEW concrete, to depress me in quite thesame way…

Sorry y’all… I’m really really sorry…

More soon


Tuesday 31-01-06: Clachan are rumoured to want to hand over the site to the council on Friday.

Thisin no way guarantees immediate access. Council signs and temporaryfencing are still an issue for legality. If it’s not open forthis weekend(4th,) it’ll be sometime during next week, or at latestthat next weekend (11th)…I think I can confidently say that.

Don’t hold your breath anymore. Start breathing, and do your stretches and knee-bends.

You’ll need all the spring in your muscles that you can muster to handle that far-gnarlier-than-intended flatbank-of-doom.




Wednesday 1-2-06: The signs (for legality) won’t be ready untilTuesday the 7th… so that OFFICIALLY rules out this weekend for thepark being open for usage. I think Clachan may still be be doing theodd thing or two on Saturday. No other news.

Nuff sed.



Construction Photos 20-01-06

Rick contemplates wallride ting.

Rick in for scale of tings.

Rick in 6ft bowl ting.

Another shot of yer man, for scale ting. Note new patch inbetween ting. (see yesterdays photos)

lots of ting

Scraping ting.

Brush, spray and scrape tings

Shiny ting

Overall Report: Still a week or more until Clachan reckon they will be done. Lots of buffing: and evening ofsurfaces to be done.

Most of the buffing on the flat surfaces is not to make itice-skateable, but to get the caked-on layer of muck off of thestructural concrete. Most of this stuff scrapes off with merely a bitof elbow-grease. The machine will just do larger patches of flat.Though not as well as doing it by hand, admittedly. Once all the crudis taken off the park, it will also dry a lot quicker when rained on.The proper surface is quite smoothand won’t hold the moisture like the gunk caked onto it. Not shinysmooth though… just nicely smooth.

The other buffing is continuing to take out proper-lumps, dangerous wheel-stopping bits, ridges at joins, etc.

The wallride is still v sketchy in finish. Lots of lumps and wibblysections. Not great at all. It may have to be addressed far moreseriously next week. Perhaps with more cut-n-patches. There are severallumps that would not be at all fun to hit when carving. Unless youreally dig pain.

First 5 patches seem ok. Edges still to be machine smoothed next week.

Landscaping work: noise-barrrier hills still to be made .

Pedestrian barriers and signage must be in place before legal admittance of any of us to skate.

Don’t bother going in yet, please. No matter how tempting.

All the dust and grit make it sketchy anyway, and there are no covers on drains.

There are also many legal issues etc. etc.

Iwill of course be pushing for entry as soon as possible, but that isstill easily a week or two away at minimum… Hang tough y’all.Sooner than you think! More OFFICIAL NEWS next week. Meetings ahoy.

Keep cool, we are almost there.

SATURDAY 21st: Wallride buffed a lot more,looking much better. Still some dangerous lumps to be removed.Generally the Park is very smooth and lovely, under all the grunge anddirt.

Not long to go.

I will report back a more definite timeline sometime in the next few days. I promise.

Come and celebrate the birth of this 1000 square meter baby! (If you are old enough)

*** Fundee Soundsytem Test Explosion

– this Sunday 22nd: MacDaniels, Whitehall Crescent, Dundee ***

Tuesday 24th: Update tomorrow methinks.

I have meeting on Monday the 30th, to discussfinishing-up-for-access issues with park manager (landscaping etc,)health-n-safety guy (access issues before we have a real fence,)legal-chap (wording of signs for mandatory council warnings.) Itwas the earliest we couold arrange it.

Clachan will still be in for another week minimum anyway. Theyare marking out the placement of the pedestrian barriers Wednesday(tomorrow,) and possibly putting them in too. The park is just gettingcleaned up and de-crusted mainly…. the blocks were still needingwork, last I saw. PLus several other minor, wheel-catching bits to snag.

They will also be doing the last earth moving to make the noise-barriers and tidy the place up. The intial landscapingwill put a small mound on the castle (East) side, and a larger mound onthe bowl side (west,) and a wee one on the North (up above that lowbank seen in the last couple of photos.) The trees and shrubs to the North are also all getting kept, instead of the much earlier plan to make it all grass banks.

The Council’s Parks Dept can’t seed the soil with grass until atleast mid March, so it’ll be a bit muddy for a while. The issues ofpeople standing at the edge of the park will have to be temporarilyresolved (plywood? geotextile fabric?) so we don’t make the place apig-sty with mud and stones etc.

The permanent fencingis still several months away. The fencing matters, (apart fromdogs, small kids, the blind, drunks, random punters and the whole legalthing) because for the moment we will have a nasty’chestnut-pale’ (the medieval-looking sharp sticks-n-wire stuff) job atthe bottom of the “rather nasty” southern slope. The slope is like…several meters high and VERY steep.Could be a very muddy / bloody exit from the park if taken at speed in extremis. There was no money for banks to hold one into a speed line.

When a real fence goes in, it will MOSTLY away from theedges of the concrete, but essentially touching at the two southernpoints, mostly due to space issues at that edge. However, if anything,it’ll be good for holding people back from flying into space like theCoyote in the Road Runner cartoons. Still dunno what to do temporarily though…

more soon.



Construction Photos 19-01-06


Big shout out to the Australian Skaters I met: Shane, Andrew, Ben. Thanks guys!

Breaking out one of the patches needed to lessen the risks of face-planting.

Patched with a mellower curve. It was a more angular join before. Lets hope nobody rolls over before it hardens…

Circled:Another patch to fix some damage. The other footprints have been buffedaway, hopefully not leaving a noticably wobbly surface when ridden on.

Again, circled for ultra-clarity of meaning…

Not to fix damage as such, but to smooth out the blends.They weredangerous pocket-like areas. Just right to throw you into a speedy heap.

BTW: There are many bike tracks over this area already, so I am nervous about damage to the patches before they set hard.

Hopefully withoutintruders-rolling-over-them-at-night-because-they-shouldn’t-be-there-yet;they will not be noticable problem areas anymore.

Obviously not filled in yet; when I took these photos. But probably shortly afterwards.


The wall will also need severe buffing and filling due to the mucky shuttering joins.

Tarmac at both entrances has been layed, a tad roughly. Pity wecouldn’t afford it as ’crete.

Am also kicking myselfabout the bench/ledge on right side. The affordable meterage shouldhave been pulled backalongside the park, beside the slope of the platform. I think it wasrushed through as ’seating’ / ’entrance definition.’ I missed thatone… sorry. A few more meters of it would have been ideal.Maybe we can fundraise, to pay for someone to lay a bit moresometime…?

I think I will christen that gap between the top of the upperplatform and the rather sketchy edge of the block; ’The FundingGap.’

Oh, so wet. Notice that patched area again.

Stay tuned

PS: There are still forged comments coming in claiming to be from “Daryl.”

’It ain’t me, babe.’ As the the song goes… I am only writing stuff up here. ok?

Rumour Control is in The House.

>Re commments: Bikes vs Boards… no point in scrapping about it.

ANYONE behind the fence atnight is guilty. There a lots of tracks of ALL sorts: bike, rollerboot,and skateboard, all in evidence. Lots of scuffled anonymousshoeprints in moist concrete too.

When I was younger, I was as punk as the next guy when it came to skatingplaces that were technically or fully illegal. But I can’t see thevalue of breaking in to skate a unfinished SKATEPARK. An action thatcontains no cool /punk credit at all… and endangers the finish of the park for ever afterwards…

It will MOSTLY be little neddy kids with no sense. Heck, theirparents probably pull the fences down for them… but for thosethat AREN’T neddy little idiots: STAY OUT. NO EXCUSES AT ALL.

Thank you for your patience!

***MacDaniels, Whitehall Crescent: This Sunday night. For a Fundee Soundsystem Test-Explosion***


Construction Photos 14-01-06

Hi, sorry to take so long getting some new pictures up but I haven’tbeen able to get on site during daylight or when the weather hasn’tbeen totally pants until today. The site was closed off so I just tooka few photos from outside the fences, fortunately there is a convenientcabin outside of the fence so I was able to get on top of that and geta good overview shot.

You can see in the pictures that the entrance way into the park isunderway now, also the final bank section leading along from the wallride is also done now too. So there’s not too much left to do to thepark itself but there’s a lot of landscaping to be done still and afence to go up around the park. I haven’t spoken to anyone on site thisweek so I’m not sure when they think it will be completely done.

Well, enjoy the pictures!


CONTRARY TO ANY FORGED ’COMMENTS’ BY ME: the parkwill NOT be ready to skate until the fencing and basic landsforming is done tothe councils satisfaction. STAY OUT, IT IS STILL A CONSTRUCTIONSITE. ANYONE CAUGHT BEHIND FENCE WILL BE IN BIG TROUBLE.

Lots of things still to sort out in the construction!! Please be patient, not long now!


Daryl (the real one)

Entrance overview
Entrance overview.

View from top of portacabin
View from top of portacabin.

View from East end of park
View from East end of park.

Note: 17/1/06

TheClachan boys reckon they will be done in approx 2 weeks. Not sureif this allows for legal access yet. I will be negoitatingtowards access for all as soon as it is possible, but be patient.

Think about it… the weather is rubbish, there are still lots ofrough bits… it won’t nearly be as much fun to skate it now as it willbe when it’s FINISHED PROPERLY!

There have been other bits poured around xmas time that weremessed up by bikers and skaters in the site when they shouldn’t havebeen. You can SEE THE TRACKS.

I went up today to have a good look at the surface, and spoke to them about bits that need fixed/modified.

Ispent a good couple of hours personally scraping crunchy/splattery bitsoff the surface, and Clachan will still need to spend a few days with abig buffing machine taking more roughness off of the flats etc.

***Thereare several bits that are getting cut out and re-filled (attentionAlan) so there will be WET CONCRETE in subtle places… like the wallride, the middle of ’Wallos’ etc. Please don’t mess it up because we can’t afford to keep cutting and filling…

The easiest way to avoid messing up these patches is: DON’T GO IN AT ALL.***




Re Benches (sarah)

the two curved bits are technically benches, but obviously semi skateable too.

We are looking at ways to provide seating areas outside the park.

The grass mounding will be there too, eventually. Perhaps stepped for sitting. Maybe real benches, who knows…



Construction: I believe they were going to pour the tarmac entranceways today (Wednesday)

Photo update tomorrow:Thursday 19th Jan.

Large areas of flat are very bumpy from sloshes of excess concrete. Most of it comes relatively easily off the actual structural concrete. But the need a machine to do it properly.
And it It really DOES need to be done to make the park have a decent, safe ridable surface.

Right now there are so many dollops, splashes, and crunchy bits stuck to the park, that is actually dangerous.

It can be really smooth in one section … then a minefield of crud and grit.

The kind you don’t see; It’s the same colour as the rest of the’crete. The kind that seems engineered to be perfect forstopping-skateboard-wheels-absolutely-dead. Or large washes of littlebumps that kill all your speed / shred your flesh when fallen on.

Just right to send the unaware home, in severe pain. Don’t bother.Wait til it’s done. It’s so close and it’ll be so much nicer to ride.I’m not talking ’polished,’ Just smooth…and safe.

All the coping and grindables are mucked up with concrete too, so not much use yet either.

The wallride section has wheel-stopping patches horrible enough to give you nightmares. Needs critical patching and smoothing.

I’ll say it again; it ain’t done yet…

They say that they need a number of properly dry days to work onbuffing/cleaning the flats. Although the concrete itself has set, and is ’Dry’ as such; anyvisible moisture soaked onto the surface makes the dust turn into an unworkablesludge. It needs to stay as a dry powder so the abrasive action of thedisc doesn’t get gummed up.

Last real hurdle. Fear not.

Re: Soundsystem, Nice one. Yes certainly a spring opening bash is definitely in offing. No fear.

V Doubtful about camping though. Park not big enough / far enough away from houses.


A different view of the park

Daryl was keen to see some different angles of the park whilst away on his trip, so here’s a few other viewpoints of the park. I’m not quite sure these are exactly the different angles Daryl was thinking of but I thought the shape of different parts of the park was interesting to look at, plus it’s something different to look at on the site anyway seeing as there’s been nothing happening on site for the last week or so!!!

I took these a few days ago when it was frosty first thing in the morning, I hope you enjoy the pictures!


Plenty of lines

A nice curve...

Sun / Shadow

Frosted concrete

Angle of the pivot...

Teardrop teartop

Not the Bermuda Triangle...

View from the forest...


Construction Photos 23-12-05

Hi, a few photos here to show current progress. Just about all the concrete is poured now, the wallride corner has been done as well as a few small remaining areas. The pyramid hip has been poured too.

This will be the last update for a week or two as there won’t be too much happening over the Christmas holidays. I’ll possibly get around to putting a few other photos online if I’ve got time.

Overview from entrance area
Overview from entrance area.

 Corner wallride view View of corner wallride.

Wider view of corner wallride
Wider view of Corner / Wallride.

Pyramid hip Pyramid hip.

View up Wallows View up Wallows.

View out of bowl View out of the Bowl.

Well, that’s it for now. Just a quick note to ask people to please STOP bickering in the comments, drop the issue about the damage to the park, any comments about this will be removed from the site so think twice before posting dumb messages please!

Oh yeah, the site should be looking a bit different again now, if not reload the page a few times and it should work!



Construction Photos 20-12-05

Ok, time for another update. Duracrete are back on site working fast as usual, the molehill has been sprayed and they’re working on the other transitions leading out of the bowl around the molehill area.

The wallride / corner section is being prepped, meshed etc. This was an area Daryl was a bit worried about as some of the guys didn’t quite seem to get exactly how it was supposed to work, but Iain seemed to understand how it should be. Looking at the mesh they’ve started to put in place I think they’ve got the right idea, Daryl, it should blend together quite nicely 🙂 Part of the problem was because of the fact the wall was built first whereas it should have been done as part of the bank at the sametime and it would have made life easier for Clachan. It’s looking how it should be though I think.

View from North side of the park Overview from the park side.

Profile of wallride corner Profile of the wallride / corner section, I asked Iain to push the mesh in a bit to show it should look when fastened in place properly. It basically flows from the flat bank profile nearest to vertical when it meets the actual corner, very interesting piece of the park I reckon. The mesh will be pulled back into the wall a bit so it will flow in a bit more smoothly than it may look now.

Wallride corner overview A wider overview of the wallride / corner section, a little bit of lense distortion going on there in this shot so it’s a little bit fisheyed in the centre but you’ll get the idea.

Overview from near pyramid including molehill Overview from near the pyramid hip, newly sprayed molehill visible in the centre.

Closer view of molehill Closer view of the molehill.

West corner overview West corner overview, molehill and concrete being sprayed.

That’s it for now, the pyramid hip should have been sprayed today too, plus a few of the other unsprayed areas.

Just to reiterate Goosho’s comments in the previous post, please remember that progress has been held up slightly by theweather and it will be late January before the park will be skateable as it takes 28 days to cure and properlyharden. Also noone will be allowed to skate it until allthe groundwork and hills/fencing has been completed as it will still officially be a construction site until that time. So everyone needs to be extra patient, especially those certain people who I won’t mention by name as they’ve been mentioned in the comments often enough. PLEASE DON’T SKATE IT UNTIL IT’S PROPERLY READY!

Also, on the note of the damage to the park, who did it etc, can we leave off the flame war / abuse etc about this, enough has been said about this already. The damage isn’t the end of the world, it will be fixed and won’t affect the park. With that said let’s drop all the comments about that and just focus on the park and how rad it’s going to be.

Okay, I hope that didn’t sound too much like a Jerry Springer signoff there…




Construction Photos 15-12-05

Hi, Rick here filling in now that Daryl is on his wee excursion to Mexico and Oz. Here’s an update for all you concrete-hungry people out there! There won’t be another until next week though, Duracrete are back onsite next week so it’ll be looking like all the concrete will be pretty much poured.

Status of areas left to pour
Newly poured concrete in there now.

Overview of the park Overview from the Park.

Close up overview Closeup overview, platforms on the bowl have been poured and it looks pretty good.

Fresh ’crete... These small trannies have been poured now too, looking very smooth!

More ’crete... Another view of the small tranny area (I have no idea what to call these bits, Daryl, have you named these bits?)

One of the last flat bits to pour
One more bit of concrete to pour for the platform area near the corner.

Newly poured grindbox

The new angled grindbox is poured and joins it horizontal sibling.

Couple of grindboxes
Overview from above the grindboxes.

Pyramid hip, ready to pour
The pyramid hip is ready to pour, the top of it has been poured already.

South corner overview South corner overview from bowl to hip.

Mogul getting ready Ah, the mogul was being prepared today, ready for Duracrete to do their stuff.

Ok, well that’s it for now. More next week once Duracrete are back on site.




360 Panorama 08-12-05

Hi, just adding this 360 degree panorama of the park as of today. You need the Flash plugin to view this, just move your mouse left or right over the image and it should rotate.

It might look a little odd in places due to the images being fairly roughly patched together with lense distortion affecting things a bit too, you get the over-all idea though of what the park feels like.


Construction Photos 8-12-05

I’ve put a little bit of ’ready to pour’ ness on the flat hip,
Just because they’re starting to form it.

Plus the blob inthe angled block, because they’ve put in a big dollop, as the meat ofthe thing, before casting the rest around it.



Duracrete are great.

Building the flat bank hip.

The View.

I’m outta here, back soon. Will be watching avidly from afar.

Rick will be manning the camera-pumps.

laters skaters.


Construction Photos 7-12-05


I shall rage no more about it.

Tis done.

It’ll get FIXED, one way or another.

Nice one guys…

Jeez, what do these crazy kids think this is? Some sort of whacky SKATEBOARDING rink?

The fish are all going to die, when they brush against that rough bit!


It’s almost (but not) comical the way you can read what happened in the concrete. Handsprints and all…

Here’s something to feel good about.

(as long as no one ruins it tonight…)

How sweet does that crete look?

Sorry about the crunchy bit in the middle of photo…

G, very cold, but stoked, I think.

I just can’t get over how sweet that looks.

Thefloat marks near the lip (on the left) make it look like its doingsomething it isn’t.. if you know what I mean. That’s a pure 5mtransition, to a sharp lip. The shine throws your eyes off a bit.

A blown-out photo, sorry, you can see the begining of the bowl-spray. (!)

An even more blown-out, crooked, photo.

Kinda looks like Father Jack is helping out today…

easy fella.

We all know what he would say about those “Pesky Kids.”

Here’s the map.

Again, I didn’t add on what I didn’t actually see finished.

But I’ll give it that corner of the bowl…

I think they might have been spraying even more that afternoon.

Gotta admire the tenacity of the wee concrete-wrecking turds though eh? Pitch black night, over a fence and they HAVE to go for it…

Hopefullythey will keep skating, and become total rulers. Then we can all alwayspoint to that bit and laugh at their youthful, k-swiss wearing STUPIDITY.


PS If anyone DID want to hang out at night and guardthe setting concrete (from outside the fence…) GO FOR IT. Itwould probably be only need to be for a couple or three hoursafter the Duracrete guys leave at night.

They reckoned bythe state of the marks in the concrete that it was well within an hourof them leaving that the wee brats went in…

Maybe a couple of hours later and the damage would be have been lessened, as the concrete hardened that wee bit more.

Maybe not…


Destruction Photos 7-12-05


Construction Photos 6-12-05

Am not gonna update the map anymore than I have witnessed.

They said they were definitely doing more; I was up there about 11am but not sure which way they went…

Possibly even the new block was poured by the afternoon…?

Will see tomorrow…

The wall newly exposed

Sorry, wasn’t feeling too creative w camera today. Liked the look o this bit tho!

Will pop up again tomorrow. (Wednesday)

Rick will be taking over the site updates soon.

I’m away for a wee bit.


Uncle John and Whitelock Album a total stormer.

Listening to it right now.

12 copies double-vinyl delivered to Fopp, Dundee, today. CD’s out sometime next week or so.

Get one while you can.


Construction Photos 5-12-05

First the bad news:

1.The Health and Safety mandated’haunching’ on the wall ride is now facing INWARDS, and isincorporated lower than planned. See photo. This was intended to stop”Crazy People” (???) walking along the top of the wall, and nowmakes the wall ride even weirder than the original plan. It now stopsgrinds and blunts etc. This angled-bit will be stopped and leveled outbelow it’s current position. Maybe we can do some carefull modificationin the future, in right spots for the coolest line: blunts etc. A weelip of crete put back on.

2. The coping in the bowl is not exactly straight, on theriver-side.It isn’t huge, but it’s definitely visible. I am a bitworried about it. Will check it again tomorrow to see what can be done.

No photo, camera ran out of battery…sorry.

The park will definitely have it’s flaws beyond any I’ve designed intoit 🙂 but hopefully they won’t affect much. And we can sort SOME ofthem later.

Oh well…

Itwill continue around on the top of this. Thus leaving us with less thanthe specified 3m total. The haunching should have been ON TOP of the3m…damn. This will affect it lower down too…

The good news:


The block itself ain’t to pretty to look at, but the view will sho’nuff be ok.

Wally-able top end of OTHER block, yet to be poured obviously…

>Check the angle of the shuttering.

More good news… Duracrete cracks on.

Surf’s up dude.

You can see the curve at the bottom a bit better here.

And here.

And here. The rough bit is mainly dust left over from cutting the slab to make a clean join.

The other side of the new beast.

map update.

Uncle John and Whitelock Album out today. Check this past Sundays Glasgow Herald for review!



Construction Photos 1-12-05

A bit more mellow than the real thing. See these:

Not exactly ’proof,’ but that top section is now poured. 🙂

Progress map changed… they did something different to what I predicted.

Nomore pouring until monday. Duracrete are off back down south to theirown beds, for the weekend. They deserve it. The newfangled concretepump they had was being a bit wonky, so they are bringing up a bigger,more reliable one on Monday.


Jah love.


Construction Photos 30-11-05

Breaktime, or they’d be working it.

Like fresh meat from the butchers.

They hate me for making it so difficult to build.

Freudian theorists could have a field-day with this photo.

It won’t set properly for 7 days. And 3 days til it’s really safe to even walk on, let alone skate.

Taking a photo through the whatchamacallit-surveying-scope-’hingy was Iain’s idea.

prepping the edge so the ’crete sticks.

yup. another:

Althoughthe line of finished concrete is different in the photos, compared tothis progress map; they were expecting another load of concrete in thatafternoon. So I have guesstimated their progress.

Also, the bowl is not completely rebarred, as can be seen. But hey, close enuff to show as ’ready to pour.’

Here’s a photo from, er… dunno actually. Pre-1970 I would guess 😉

The building in the background on the right is, more or less, the site of the skatepark.

Possibly another update tomorrow.


29-11-05 Construction Photos

This isn’t for the new larger format; although thats pretty cool too (thanks Rick!) sorry for the slower download times.

It’s for this !

Thats the first banked section! Whooo hoooo!

Looks rough now, but the were set to be polishing it for a while, they said… This was about 4:15 or so, getting dark and I’ve fiddled with the photo to make it clearer.

I’ll go back tomorrow and check. 🙂

Meet Duracrete. If you see them in a pub in Dundee, buy them a drink, and anew pair of wooly mittens. Damn cheerfull in that darkening chill. Rockon boys, we’re all counting on you.

This photo; less fiddled with, not too many minutes later.

We all owe this man huge skateboarderly hugs (and free drinks for life)for magnificently overseeing this project. We also owe another chap(not pictured) more of the same, for processing our “non-easy” designinto the numbers and drawings that the contractors needed. ALLHAIL TOM AND ALAN; LORDS OF ENGINEERING in Dundee City Council. 🙂

No foolin.

Yeah Dude! Unknown local performs a rather tasy frontside grind on a pieceof transition guide; used to shape the surface unto coolness.

That arc you see is a complete guide; all steel and super slick.

Fancy going bowling?


Keeping the frost off for pouring tomorrow. …?

Cranked up the brightness a little, aren’t digi cameras great?

Ooops! how did that get in there?

Youcan go see this Dundee-born skater pick up birds in the Wellgateshopping centre, for the rest of the week, apparently. He has quite agood technique, and a laid back stance, as you can see.

Couldn’t resist putting one more in.

Here’s the progress map:

Sorry for this negative ending, but:


DON’TBARGE IN FOR A SKATE, IT WILL ENCOURAGE THE IDIOTS TO GO IN TOO! (Andthey WILL wreck things out of sheer subconscious frustration that theydon’t know how to skate…)

Just for some perspective; I’ve been as punk as most, when itcomes to “illegal trespassing,” to session amazing, but technicallyout-of-bounds skate spots. This is different, obviously. All this hardwork can be damaged more easily than you think, if not given time toset properly, unmolested. Word.

Please please please. Be patient. It will be there for ever after, so you have plenty of time to enjoy it. Soon.

May your bearings never squeak.


25-11-05 Snowy photos

Just a few photos of the park covered in snow! The snow was pretty much gone by the next day.

Snow day in Dudhope
Overview of the park

East corner view
East corner view
